

Self-Motivation 150 150 Sean Smith

Personal Training Journal Entry #14

Many of the individuals I train whom are successful in their fitness goals all have one thing in common: self-motivation. You’re probably wondering why this is so important to someone who has hired a personal trainer. Well, unless you’re with your trainer seven days a week, or you’ve hired them to follow you around spit motivational quotes at you, you’re going to have to make some small but important health decisions on your own. If you’re already conscious of that, you’re probably thinking, “well, how do I make good or better health decisions?”

The real question to ask is, what motivates you to make good or better health decisions? The best answer is the motivation that you easily find on your own. The reason being the fact that your external motivators, such as personal trainers, family, or friends can only help you so much. I ask my clients what they think about to self-motivate, and I hear a variety of different responses.

“I know I’m going to feel great afterwards.”

“If I don’t, I’m going to feel crappy.”

“It’s a great stress reliever, and I’ve had a long day.”

“Whatever is going to make me look better!”

Personally, I’m thinking about my health as well as my competition. I ask myself, “how many push ups will the next guy do? Will he do more than me?” Find what motivates you to continue your journey to health and a better well-being and keep your life in balance.


Sean M. Smith
Personal Fitness Trainer
16632 1/2 Marquez Ave.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272